Sunday, September 29, 2013

Whisper of the Heart

This has become one of my favorite movies. Its themes include libraries, reading, young love, chasing after dreams and serendipity. Today, I share my favorite scenes from this movie. I hope you find joy and inspiration from it, too. :)

I like that Seiji was the first one to say "I like you" and he said it in a subtle way but still direct (I mean, you'd get that a boy likes you if he read a lot of books because he saw you reading a lot and he even went out of his way to read them before you got to so you'd notice and remember his name, right?).  Plus he said it in a not creepy way.

Seiji's grandpa is very assuring but he doesn't hide the truth from the children : that if you have a dream, it's alright to chase after it. But you need to remember that if anything is worth doing, you should do it well.

Most of all, I love how Seiji is so sure that Shizuku is his - and that he refers to them as a team. :D

I highly recommend that you watch Whisper of the Heart. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this movie too! That last dialogue was my favorite. When Seiji went home and passed by Shizuku's house, they were nothing but destined for each other. I think the romantics will love this movie the most. ((:
